In light of upcoming Valentine’s holiday and American Heart Month, we thought we should share some tips that not only show your date’s heart love, but also your own! We wish all of you a Happy Valentine’s Day!
1. Heart-Healthy Dinner
It is common for many couples to eat out on Valentine’s Day, but the best way to give your heart some love (and your wallet!) is to prepare a healthy home-cooked meal.
2. Germ-Free = Love’s Key
February may be the month of spreading love, but it is also the month of spreading germs. With all the reports of a new flu going around, you must be sure to protect yourself by practicing good hygiene!
3. Wine & Dine Don’t Cross the Line
It’s always best to abstain from alcohol, but if you do have some drink it in moderation. There is nothing worse than making your new valentine’s day date the toilet! Also, keep in mind that if you are going out to be drinking, find a DD or get a taxi. A $100 taxi bill is far less than a DUI (averages about $10,000).

4. Give Bliss Not Just A Chocolate Kiss
Of course it’s okay to give your date a small indulgence of chocolate, but throw in a few fruits and flowers. You never know if your date is on a diet or just trying to stick to healthy alternatives!
5. Energize with Exercise
No we are not telling you to take your date to the gym on Valentine’s Day. Taking your date for a nice walk around the park, the beach, or even walking around little boutique shops around the area can not only put a spark in your evening, it is also good for your heart! Not to mention burning a few extra calories for the colossal meal you just ate.
"Valentine's Day Tips." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 5 Feb. 2014. Web. 9 Feb. 2015. <>.