Tips for Keeping Your New or Refurbished Anesthesia Machine in Top Condition

Tips for Keeping Your New or Refurbished Anesthesia Machine in Top Condition

Monday, October 31, 2016

Working in a medical facility, you’re probably aware of the upkeep required for many of the machines and systems. While some machines do self-checks, others require manual, hands-on maintenance.

Some of these tasks happen daily, weekly, annually, or as needed. But this preventative care will keep your anesthesia machine in optimal operating order, allowing it to not only perform better but also last longer.

Here are 6 tips for keeping your anesthesia machine looking and working like new:

1. Wipe down your machine daily

Even if your environment is clean, dust and other particles could still manage to accumulate on your machines. Wiping your machine down daily will ensure it continues to look like new and helps prevent those particles from entering the machine.

2. Check machine’s water traps

A full water trap can cause major issues for your machine. It could even result in total failure.

3. Maintain batteries

By leaving your machine plugged into the wall outlet, you can maintain your batteries and ensure they last longer.

4. Turn off daily

To achieve a longer life for your machine, turn it off when not being employed.

5. Change out Litholyme or Sodalime as required

Litholyme and Sodalime are meant to scrub the CO₂ that leaves a patient’s body during surgery. Most Litholyme and Sodalime change colors once they’ve been used and need to be changed.

6. Perform a daily, weekly, or as-needed leak test

Doing a leak test daily, weekly, or even just occasionally will ensure that your machine isn’t leaking and the gas will end up with the patient, not in the air.

Maintaining your equipment is very important for the preservation and protection of your investment. By taking the proper and necessary steps to ensure that your equipment is cared for, you will reduce unexpected malfunctions, untimely system failures and quick deterioration.

Future Health Concepts (FHC) offers top quality new anesthesia machines from Penlon and also refurbished anesthesia machines from Datex & Drager. FHC is an FDA registered refurbisher and does all of our own medical equipment refurbishing in-house. Having worked in this industry for more than 40 years, we understand what it takes to supply a medical facility with quality products that will help their clinics become more efficient and successful. Call us today at 1-888-282-8644.

Staff 10/31/2016